How to Predict Weather Conditions in Florida
Here at Woody’s Watersports, we’ll only allow you to take the Jet Skis out for a spin if the weather is cooperating. But if you’re a planner, it can be hard to predict when the weather will be just right for a ride on the Jet Skis. So, we have some tips for the weather savvy folks out there about how to predict the weather conditions in Florida—that way, you’ll be able to pick the perfect day for a great time on the water!
Check the Weather Channel
The first place you should start is the weather forecast. Meteorologists don’t have a pristine reputation for predicting exactly what the weather will do, but their predictions are usually pretty close to accurate. Poke around the Weather Channel’s website to see what the forecast is calling for in Florida on the days you’re looking to Jet Ski. Compare a few sources to get a good picture of the overall conditions possible.
Check the National Weather Service Marine Forecast
Not only are you looking for sunny skies, you’ll also have to factor in the wind. Waves and currents are rough when there are high winds, so check out the National Weather Service Marine Forecast for Madeira Beach Florida to see what the ocean is expected to be like on your rental day. If winds will be high and currents rough, there may be a small craft advisory—so we won’t be able to let you Jet Ski.
Check out the Clouds
If you’re making a day-of decision, you can always check out what’s brewing in the sky. High, wispy clouds indicate a storm system that’s 12 to 24 hours away; low, lumpy clouds indicate a storm that’s 6 to 12 hours away, and a grey veil of total cloud cover indicates a storm is imminent. Large, puffy clouds that are far apart indicate that rain is not on the horizon.
If you’re ever unsure about the weather, contact us at Woody’s Watersports by calling 727-391-0200 before your rental date, and we’ll let you know what we expect the weather to be like! The safety of our passengers is our number one priority, so we want to make sure you pick a good weather day for your ride.